
W&F's save the date card

跟我一樣熱愛粉紅色的新娘,也選用我好喜歡的繡球花當婚禮主題!整個設計的過程我就是不斷的大心~~>///<可以完全的少女,啊哈哈 之後要繼續做他們的喜帖,希望也可以做出讓我們倆都大心的成果來!

The couple are my best friends in the US. (Yeah, these names are fake because they don't want their names being shown.) The bride likes pink just as I do, and she wants to use the hydrangea as the main element. When I was designing this card, I was so happy because both the color and the flower are my favorites. I will make the invitation card for their wedding as well. Hopefully I can do it well. 

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